Index to astronomy related pages~
Observing Journal~ Stargazing notes and observing logs.
Star Party at Livingston Lake~ Astronomers star party in July 2017.
Chasing the Blue Hour~ Info on the Blue Hour phase during twilight.
Sunrise Solar Eclipse at Moosehorn Creek 2021~ The solar eclipse of June 10, 2021.
Astronomy in rural New Brunswick is a gift. The crisp, clean sky of the Maritimes lends itself to visual, binocular or telescope observing. It can be spectacular at times due to the relatively low air and light pollution levels.
Links & Sources~
RASC~ Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
RASC NB~ RASC–New Brunswick Centre
SJAC~ Saint John Astronomy Club
Planetary Info for Sussex, NB~ from Time & Date.
Planetary Info for Saint John, NB~ from Heavens Above.
Comets~ from Heavens Above.
Meteor Showers~ from Time & Date.
Solar & Lunar Eclipses in Sussex, NB~ from Time & Date
Seeing & Transparency Guide in pdf~
Dark Sky Map~ Enter your town or location, key to Bortle Scale is on left hand side.
S&T Weekly Sky at a Glance~ from Sky & Telescope
Astronomy by the Bay~ FB page by Chris Curwin.
Sunday Night Astronomy Show~ YouTube streams of the show.
Star Parties in New Brunswick~ SJAC page and summary.
Astronomy by the Bay~ SJAC page.
The Blue Hour–Magic Hour~ TimeandDate’s overview of the Blue Hour phenomena.
Twilight, Dawn and Dusk~ TimeandDate’s explanation of the different phases of twilight including links and so on.
Blue Hour Photography: The Definitive Guide~ As usual, great stuff from the crew at PhotoPills app.
Twilight Photography Overview~ Broad range of information from PhotoPills.
Night Sky Photography~ Great website with a wealth of information from Aaron D. Priest.
Alan Dyer Amazing Sky~ Great website by author, teacher, photographer and astronomer Alan Dyer. Telescope/eyepiece simulator, great resource for astrophotography. Field of View calculators for eyepieces and lenses, etc.
12 Dimensional String~ FOV calculator, Jupiter moon positions, angle of Saturn rings, etc from David Campell.
PhotoPills/2025 Events~ What to see in 2025.
Astrobackyard~ Excellent YouTube resource regarding astrophotography by Trevor Jones.
Peter Zelinka Astrophotography~ Excellent resource and equipment reviews, tutorials by Peter Zelinka.
Using Polemaster with iOptron SkyGuider Pro~ Good reference page from NightSkyDan.