Above~ 2X Powermate on a Nikon 5100. 1/60 sec., ISO 100, prime focus on a f4.8 731mm ES Comet Hunter.
Monday, May 9, 2022~ 8:10 – 9:50 pm.
Location~ Moosehorn Creek, NB
Sky Conditions~ Clear
Temp~ 16° with 28% humidity
Moonrise~ 1:00 pm
Sunset~ 8:39 pm
Total Darkness~ 10:46pm
Age of Moon~ 9d 2h 43m
9 Day Moon and a return to the 4x Powermate~
Spent time studying what I was going to be looking at, waiting for sundown.
1st impression— The “funky” grouping of Tycho, Clavius and Moretus, with Tycho and Moretus evenly spaced looking like two old fashion headlights beside the front of a car grill (Clavius is the front grill, centred, at bottom of photo, although effect seems completely lost compared to seeing it thru the eyepiece).
Decided to try and take a couple of images @ 9 pm. This was at Moon cycle age 9d 3h 50m. Used the 2x and then went for the 4x Powermate.
Above and below~ Prime focus with a 4X Powermate, Nikon 5100, 1/40 sec., ISO 200, on a f4.8 731mm ES Comet Hunter.
Then went back to observing with a 13mm Ethos. It really is a comfortable eyepiece for Lunar viewing.
2nd impression— Incredible vista of Copernicus, Eratosthenes snuggled in the Montes Apenninus, with Archimedes off centre but well defined in the Mare Imbrium and Plato at the top by the Vallis Alpes. Found myself just gazing at it, lingering, almost transfixed. [top of 2nd image above]
Lots to see in the 9 day Moon which never lacks for interesting features. Had to pack it in about 9:50. Temperature dropped to 10° by the time I left.
Moon at 9d 2h 43m at 56 magnification (13mm)
Tycho, Clavius and Moretus at 56 magnification
Copernicus, Eratosthenes & Montes Apenninus at 56 magnification
Montes Apenninus, Archimedes & Mare Imbrium at 56 magnification
Plato and Vallis Alpes at 56 magnification
Scope– ES Comet Hunter – 152mm f/4.8 731mm Maksutov-Newtonian
Mount– Celestron AVX
Eyepiece used– 13mm Ethos
Listened to a CBC program about Autism. It was good, included Temple Grandin, apparently the 2nd part focusing on neurodiversity, believe it was on Ideas.
When it was over I started Glenn Gould’s Goldberg Variations.
Glenn Gould – Bach (JS): Goldberg Variations. Music that never tires.
New Atlas of the Moon by Thierry Legault & Serge Brunier [2006]. Beautiful Firefly reference book with overlays, unfortunately out of print.
Sky and Telescope’s Field Map of the Moon~Mirror image laminated fold out map. I use this all the time, handy.
The PhotoPills App~ Exact time and age of the Lunar Cycle, sunset, twilight phase info for our gps location, etc. Great app.
50 Things to See on the Moon~ by John A. Read.